Absolute File Name: | /home/opencoverage/opencoverage/guest-scripts/qtdeclarative/src/qtdeclarative/src/quick/items/qquickgridview_p.h |
Switch to Source code | Preprocessed file |
Line | Source | Count |
1 | - | |
2 | static_assert(bool(1 == 1), "Required feature " "quick_gridview" " for file " __FILE__ " not available."); | - |
3 | - | |
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5 | - | |
6 | - | |
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8 | class QQuickGridViewAttached; | - |
9 | class QQuickGridViewPrivate; | - |
10 | class __attribute__((visibility("default"))) QQuickGridView : public QQuickItemView | - |
11 | { | - |
12 | public: | - |
13 | #pragma GCC diagnostic push | - |
14 | - | |
15 | #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-override" | - |
16 | static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const; virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); virtual int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **); static inline QString tr(const char *s, const char *c = nullptr, int n = -1) { return staticMetaObject.tr(s, c, n); } __attribute__ ((__deprecated__)) static inline QString trUtf8(const char *s, const char *c = nullptr, int n = -1) { return staticMetaObject.tr(s, c, n); } private: | - |
17 | #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wattributes" | - |
18 | __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) static void qt_static_metacall(QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **); | - |
19 | #pragma GCC diagnostic pop | - |
20 | struct QPrivateSignal {}; | - |
21 | inline QQuickGridViewPrivate* d_func() { return executed 16389 times by 4 tests: reinterpret_cast<QQuickGridViewPrivate *>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr));return reinterpret_cast<QQuickGridViewPrivate *>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr)); Executed by:
executed 16389 times by 4 tests: } inline const QQuickGridViewPrivate* d_func() const { returnreturn reinterpret_cast<QQuickGridViewPrivate *>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr)); Executed by:
executed 1540961 times by 4 tests: reinterpret_cast<const QQuickGridViewPrivate *>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr));return reinterpret_cast<const QQuickGridViewPrivate *>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr)); Executed by:
executed 1540961 times by 4 tests: } friend class QQuickGridViewPrivate;return reinterpret_cast<const QQuickGridViewPrivate *>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr)); Executed by:
| 16389-1540961 |
22 | - | |
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31 | public: | - |
32 | enum Flow { | - |
33 | FlowLeftToRight = LeftToRight, | - |
34 | FlowTopToBottom = TopToBottom | - |
35 | }; | - |
36 | friend constexpr const QMetaObject *qt_getEnumMetaObject(Flow) noexcept { return &staticMetaObject; } friend constexpr const char *qt_getEnumName(Flow) noexcept { return "Flow"; } | - |
37 | - | |
38 | QQuickGridView(QQuickItem *parent=nullptr); | - |
39 | ~QQuickGridView(); | - |
40 | - | |
41 | void setHighlightFollowsCurrentItem(bool) override; | - |
42 | void setHighlightMoveDuration(int) override; | - |
43 | - | |
44 | Flow flow() const; | - |
45 | void setFlow(Flow); | - |
46 | - | |
47 | qreal cellWidth() const; | - |
48 | void setCellWidth(qreal); | - |
49 | - | |
50 | qreal cellHeight() const; | - |
51 | void setCellHeight(qreal); | - |
52 | - | |
53 | enum SnapMode { NoSnap, SnapToRow, SnapOneRow }; | - |
54 | friend constexpr const QMetaObject *qt_getEnumMetaObject(SnapMode) noexcept { return &staticMetaObject; } friend constexpr const char *qt_getEnumName(SnapMode) noexcept { return "SnapMode"; } | - |
55 | SnapMode snapMode() const; | - |
56 | void setSnapMode(SnapMode mode); | - |
57 | - | |
58 | static QQuickGridViewAttached *qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *); | - |
59 | - | |
60 | public : | - |
61 | void moveCurrentIndexUp(); | - |
62 | void moveCurrentIndexDown(); | - |
63 | void moveCurrentIndexLeft(); | - |
64 | void moveCurrentIndexRight(); | - |
65 | - | |
66 | public : | - |
67 | void cellWidthChanged(); | - |
68 | void cellHeightChanged(); | - |
69 | void highlightMoveDurationChanged(); | - |
70 | void flowChanged(); | - |
71 | void snapModeChanged(); | - |
72 | - | |
73 | protected: | - |
74 | void viewportMoved(Qt::Orientations) override; | - |
75 | void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) override; | - |
76 | void geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) override; | - |
77 | void initItem(int index, QObject *item) override; | - |
78 | }; | - |
79 | - | |
80 | class QQuickGridViewAttached : public QQuickItemViewAttached | - |
81 | { | - |
82 | public: | - |
83 | #pragma GCC diagnostic push | - |
84 | - | |
85 | #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-override" | - |
86 | static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const; virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); virtual int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **); static inline QString tr(const char *s, const char *c = nullptr, int n = -1) { return staticMetaObject.tr(s, c, n); } __attribute__ ((__deprecated__)) static inline QString trUtf8(const char *s, const char *c = nullptr, int n = -1) { return staticMetaObject.tr(s, c, n); } private: | - |
87 | #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wattributes" | - |
88 | __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) static void qt_static_metacall(QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **); | - |
89 | #pragma GCC diagnostic pop | - |
90 | struct QPrivateSignal {}; | - |
91 | public: | - |
92 | QQuickGridViewAttached(QObject *parent) | - |
93 | : QQuickItemViewAttached(parent) {} executed 48281 times by 4 tests: end of block Executed by:
| 48281 |
94 | ~QQuickGridViewAttached() {} | - |
95 | }; | - |
96 | - | |
97 | - | |
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100 | template <> struct QMetaTypeId< QQuickGridView * > { enum { Defined = 1 }; static int qt_metatype_id() { static QBasicAtomicInt metatype_id = { 0 }; if (const int id = metatype_id.loadAcquire()) return id; const int newId = qRegisterMetaType< QQuickGridView * >("QQuickGridView *", reinterpret_cast< QQuickGridView * *>(quintptr(-1))); metatype_id.storeRelease(newId); return newId; } }; template <> struct QMetaTypeId< QQmlListProperty<QQuickGridView> > { enum { Defined = 1 }; static int qt_metatype_id() { static QBasicAtomicInt metatype_id = { 0 }; if (const int id = metatype_id.loadAcquire()) return id; const int newId = qRegisterMetaType< QQmlListProperty<QQuickGridView> >("QQmlListProperty<QQuickGridView>", reinterpret_cast< QQmlListProperty<QQuickGridView> *>(quintptr(-1))); metatype_id.storeRelease(newId); return newId; } }; | - |
101 | template <> class QQmlTypeInfo<QQuickGridView > { public: enum { hasAttachedProperties = (((QML_HAS_ATTACHED_PROPERTIES) & QML_HAS_ATTACHED_PROPERTIES) == QML_HAS_ATTACHED_PROPERTIES) }; }; | - |
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